Nithya CollagenFace is an advanced skincare product that containsmicro-particlesof heterologous collagen typeI, effectively stimulatingthe productionof new fibroblasts. It works efficientlyin regeneratingand rebuildingthe skin, particularlyin delicate facial areas. By utilizing patented extraction technology, Nithya simulatesthe actionof degradable polymerized collagen, leadingto the massive stimulationof fibroblastsand the depositionof pro-collagenand endogenous collagen typeIII. Nithya's effects are long-lastingand durable, reducingthe needfor frequent treatments comparedto other methods like Botox or fillers. It is an excellent solutionfor both preventive anti-aging carefrom the ageof 25 and for skin with visible signsof aging, lackof elasticity, and the needfor skin tightening. Nithya guarantees an excellent levelof purityand safety, delivering exceptional results that meetthe highest expectations.
Reductionof aging signson the face, neck, and hands.
Regenerationof connective tissuesin the dermisand subcutaneous tissue throughfibroblast stimulationand neo-collagenogenesis.
Correctionof genetic deformities suchas skin hypotrophyand hypotonia.
Improvementof skin tone.
Increasedskin elasticity.
Areasof Application:
Instructionsfor Use:
To preparethe suspension, dissolve70 mg of collagen powderin one vial, resultingin 5 ml of the suspension in a sterile solutionof physiological saline or double-distilled water. The suspension shouldbe preparedin each vial before use. Injection shouldbe carriedout usingsmall 30G-sized needles, inserted deep intothe dermis or atthe depth betweenthe dermisand subcutaneous tissue, usingthe picotage technique. Each vial isfor single use.
Dosage involves three applications at2-week intervals, with the optionto repeatthe treatment protocol after three monthsfrom the last session. The depthof administration canbe eitherin the dermis or atthe border betweenthe dermisand subcutaneous tissue. Recommended needles are 30G or 32G with a lengthof 4 mm.
Suggested product quantitiesfor various areas are:
Face: 2-3 cm³
Neck: 0.5-1 cm³
Décolletage: 0.5-1 cm³
Hands: 0.5 cm³
The recommended administration techniques are picotage or linear. When applyingto specific points, administer0.1-0.2 cm³ of the suspension at intervalsof 1.5 or2 cm or0.05 cm³ at intervalsof 0.5 cm.
Before commencingthe treatment session, the collagen powderin the vial shouldbe dissolvedin an appropriate amountof sterile physiological saline or double-distilled waterto obtain5-6 ml of the suspension. Each vial is intendedfor single use.
After opening, storein the refrigeratorfor upto 2 weeks.
This product is intendedfor useby professionals only. By purchasingthe product, you certify that you area trained medical professional or cosmetologistwith expertisein aesthetic medicine.